ELCT North Eastern Diocese
Rainbow School-Objectives
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With regard to attending the specific needs of mentally handicapped and autistic children our objectives are the following:
- We intend to OPEN the Rainbow School at Irente.
- We intend to INCLUDE parents in educating/training children who are mentally handicapped and autistic.
- We intend to PROMOTE awareness in the surrounding community that it is everyones duty to respect the rights of children with mental handicaps or autism and support them.
- We intend to start an OUTREACH PROGRAM. We strive to COOPERATE with teachers and students in the surrounding area.
- We have the ambition to ESTABLISH a special education center with high quality.
We intend to OPEN the Rainbow School at Irente. The Rainbow School is planned to be a center for training and education of mentally handicapped and autistic children and youth. Children from Irente and Lushoto area will be provided with a good educational training according to their individual needs. By opening a school for mentally handicapped and autistic children, we do not claim that we are going to cure the children so that their disability will disappear. What we intend to do is to use our time, our knowledge and our experience in helping these children to develop as far as their capacity allows them. By doing so, there will be hope for a better future for these children.
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Rainbow School
- Details
The name of the future special school will be The Rainbow School. It will be located in Irente village. Irente is located in the West Usambara mountains. The Usambara mountains are situated in the northeastern part of Tanzania. Administratively, the Usambara mountains belong to Tanga region.
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Now And The Future
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Achievements and problems
The fact that ISB has two committed donors implies a financial security. However, there are still many requirements that have to be met by the school in order to improve its task of providing education for children with low or no vision. At the moment, there is shortage of Braille typing machines (pekings), the special typing machines for blind people. In order to be able to teach the pupils satisfactorily, 10 more machines would be required. However, these are very expensive; one costs more than Tshs. 700,000/= which is equivalent to approximately 700 Euros. Another problem that needs to be tackled is that of dormitories. There are pupils who live in overcrowded rooms, which is not good for their health. Moreover, the school doesnt have a Braille version of the new school syllabus. Shortage of teachers is also a problem and therefore the leadership of the North Eastern Diocese is involved in helping ISB to recruit two teachers.
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School Background
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A short history of the School
Irente School for the Blind (hereafter abbreviated ISB) is one among the institutions within the North Eastern Diocese that were opened during the 60s. The Usambara-Digo Church, as it was called during that time, was helped by the organisation Bread for the World to build a training centre for blind children. Sr. Ursula Pomian from Germany started the work of constructing buildings at Irente in 1963. Five buildings were built and the school was opened in 1964 for girls only.
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